Floating Lace Plant
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Floating Lace Plant
ative Photo: J.M. Garg
Common name: Floating Lace Plant, Drifting Swordplant • Kannada: Kothe gida, Neeru balli, Neeru kasa • Tamil: Kotti, Kotti kizhangu • Telugu: Nava dumpa, Nanna puvvumokka
Botanical name: Aponogeton natans    Family: Aponogetonaceae (Cape-pondweed family)
Synonyms: Saururus natans

Floating Lace Plant is a small aquatic herb found in Sri Lanka and India. Its leaves are mostly floating, with only the long slender petiole below the surface of the water. Leaves are narrow-oblong or lance-shaped. Flowers are borne in dense, narrow spikes. The stalk carrying the spike is 10-45 cm long. Spike 3-7 cm, usually dense flowered. Floating Lace Plant is a popular plant in Western countries for use in aquariums.

Identification credit: Aparna Watve, J.M. Garg, Santhosh Photographed in near Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh & Hassan, Karnataka.

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